Frequently Asked Questions
What Can I Expect During My Visit?
Pain? For most, there is little to no pain involved as the needles are hair thin and designed to "slip" into the body with precision. Acupuncture needles are DRY needles that are solid filiform with a pencil-like point to ease discomfort, as opposed to WET needles, which are angular, hollow-bore needles that tear the skin to either aspirate or inject fluids.
Comfort? You may be dressed down to your undergarments, gowned or under a sheet. Light, heat and privacy will all be taken into consideration with great care.
Time? You can expect a conversation in the beginning to allow for critical updates or any new things that may have come along to be addressed. This time also allows a verbal plan to unfold at the time of service for ultimate, personalized treatment.
Your 1st visit will include objective recordings of your blood pressure, oxygen, pulse, heart rate and any other necessary examinations (pain-sensory, neurological, etc.). We will also evaluate the texture, color, shape and coating of your tongue as a baseline; please do NOT brush your tongue before your visit.
Included in the price of each visit is an application of an herbal liniment oil (akin to BenGay) with 2-3 minutes of hands-on touch for specific tension and pain areas. You will also have infrared heat and deposition of all essential minerals through that device, into superficial tissue, along with any brief cupping (1-2 cups for 2 minutes or so), kinesio-tape, dermal friction or passive stretching
Upon your 3rd visit, another type of discussion will ensue to see if this therapy is right for you. Often times, another 2-3 visits can launch your health in the direction you desire and begin to create lasting effects. Depending on your condition, a maximum of 10 weekly visits will be recommended with continued care every 4-6 weeks. The body needs training in natural therapies, just as it would when training for any other purpose (diet, exercise, etc.).
Any Herbal or Botanical formulas will not be prescribed unless a more complex, internal medicine condition is present, and never on the 1st visit.
Why Should I Choose This Therapy?
When we consider healing, it is the innate (internal) response that requires the most effort. Bioregulatory effects get ushered in through the Central Nervous System in a cascade of chemical responses when injury, trauma, stress/strain, or imbalance occurs. The body will try to compensate any way it can though it always needs your diligence to keep it healthy and well.
When things start to go awry, we seek help. Generally, people seek help in this order:
Dr. Google
Modern Medicine (Rx, surgery)
Natural Solutions
I'm here to tell you, that you can skip #1 and #2 for most things and save a lot of time and energy that can lead you in a circuitous pattern. It becomes much more difficult to be the proverbial "genie in the bottle" after time has progressed. This is not to say that chronic conditions can't be helped, though by the time they are considered chronic (~ 3 months), it becomes a "managed care" situation. It is also not to say to skip dialing 911 in ANY questionable emergency. The best measure is recognizing things are not working smoothly and get a month of treatment under your belt to intercept "what could" go awry.
1 month. How much time and energy have you spent trying to get the help you need?
But, HOW Does it Work?
Given the Bioregulatory response mechanisms, when it comes to acupuncture itself, let's visualize a major trauma occurring: in a FLASH! ...we feel a sensation of numbing. Almost like you're in a dream-like state. This state is what we call "Acupuncture Analgesia". Your brain is in a state of shock and must dually protect and heal itself. A cascade of endogenous opioids, serotonin, endorphins, enkephalins, amino acids, and norepinephrine are released.
This is an automatic response to get to safety and operate whilst in a traumatic state.
Meanwhile, blood is beginning to clot in efforts to stop any bleeding, and will eventually form a scab, new tissue and likely a scar from such a major injury. You did not have to tell your body to do these things. How incredible!
When we look at the how and why acupuncture and any kind of needle therapy works, it's because a "micro" trauma is being induced. The SAME cascade of brain chemicals are being released to support in your healing. The only difference is, you have a specialized practitioner guiding your healing through specific places on your body that connect to your brain and create the perfect road map for healing.
In other physical-type therapies under this scope, cupping, dermal friction, micro needling, and even medical massage - all incur a "micro" trauma in brief to stimulate and move fluids (some that are causing pain), unbind tissues that lose their elasticity, and enable a self-correction after therapy.
(biological balance)